Reification is mechanism for adding properties to RDF graph edges, thus making them directly translatable to property graphs. Reification: break down any structured data into triples, without loss of information. N-ary relations
Reificação em RDF para suportar atributos nas arestas como por exemplo dados de proveniência. Uso de nós brancos. Reificação: incluir outras propriedades para a tripla
Reificação também se aplica a LPG para relações n-árias assim como em
RDF. Reduzir relacionamentos n-ários a n relacionamentos binários
(coleção, reificação).
The RDF* and SPARQL* Approach to Annotate Statements in RDF: Although this is possible, up to now there has not been one standard, agreed upon way to do this. RDF* is a proposal on how to do this, introduced in 2014, which is getting traction in the RDF world.
Relação ternária
Professor X ministra a disciplina Y para a turma Z
1 X - é um -> Professor
2 Y - é um -> Disciplina
3 Z - é uma -> Turma
4 X - ministra -> Y
5 Y - é ministrada para -> Z
Id node1 label node2
1 X é um Professor
2 Y é um Disciplina
3 Z é uma Turma
4 X ministra Y
5 Y é ministrada para Z
1 X - é um -> Professor
2 Z - é uma -> Turma
3 Y - é um -> Disciplina
4 X - ministra -> Y - para -> Z
Id node1 label node2
1 X é um Professor
2 Z é uma Turma
3 Y é um Disciplina
4 X ministra Y
5 4 para Z
Id node1 label node2
1 X é um Professor
2 Z é uma Turma
3 Y é um Disciplina
4 ST é um RDF Statement
5 ST sujeito X
6 ST objeto Y
7 ST predicado ministra
8 ST para Z
Standard Reification
Welles name "Orson Welles" .
Welles mentioned Kubrick .
Kubrick name "Stanley Kubrick" .
Kubrick influencedBy Welles .
s significance 0.8 .
s rdf:type rdf:Statement .
s rdf:subject Kubrick .
s rdf:predicate influencedBy .
s rdf:object Welles .
Single-Triple Named Graphs
g1 { Kubrick influencedBy Welles }
g1 significance 0.8 .
Singleton Properties
Kubrick influencedBy Welles .
Kubrick p1 Welles .
p1 singletonPropertyOf influencedBy .
p1 significance 0.8 .
kgtk unreify-rdf-statements -i graph-reification.tsv -o graph-unreification-statement.tsv -v
Opening the input file: graph-reification.tsv
KgtkReader: File_path.suffix: .tsv
KgtkReader: reading file graph-reification.tsv
header: node1 label node2 id
input format: kgtk
KgtkReader: Special columns: node1=0 label=1 node2=2 id=3
KgtkReader: Reading an edge file.
Opening the output file: graph-unreification-statement.tsv
File_path.suffix: .tsv
KgtkWriter: writing file graph-unreification-statement.tsv
header: node1 label node2 id
Reading and grouping the input records.
Processing the input records.
Processed 15 records in 5 groups.
Unreified 1 groups.
Wrote 12 output records
node1 label node2 id
Welles name "Orson Welles" E1
Welles mentioned Kubrick E2
Kubrick name "Stanley Kubrick" E3
Kubrick influencedBy Welles E4
s significance 0.8 E5
s rdf:type rdf:Statement E6
s rdf:subject Kubrick E7
s rdf:predicate influencedBy E8
s rdf:object Welles E9
Kubrick influencedBy Welles G1
G1 significance 0.8 E10
Kubrick influencedBy Welles E11
Kubrick p1 Welles E12
p1 singletonPropertyOf influencedBy E13
p1 significance 0.8 E14
node1 label node2 id
G1 significance 0.8 E10
Kubrick name "Stanley Kubrick" E3
Kubrick influencedBy Welles E4
Kubrick influencedBy Welles G1
Kubrick influencedBy Welles E11
Kubrick p1 Welles E12
Welles name "Orson Welles" E1
Welles mentioned Kubrick E2
p1 singletonPropertyOf influencedBy E13
p1 significance 0.8 E14
Kubrick influencedBy Welles s
s significance 0.8 s-1
Não consegui usar o unreify values pq não entendi bem que tipo de reificação é essa
unreify-values -i graph-reification.tsv -o graph-unreification-values.tsv ....
Na International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) de 2015 um artigo comparativo com 4 abordagens de reificação dos dados da Wikidata
- standard reification (sr) whereby an RDF resource is used to denote the triple itself, denoting its subject, predicate and object as attributes and allowing additional meta-information to be added.
- n-ary relations (nr) whereby an intermediate resource is used to denote the relationship, allowing it to be annotated with meta-information.
- singleton properties (sp) whereby a predicate unique to the statement is created, which can be linked to the high-level predicate indicating the relationship, and onto which can be added additional meta-information.
- Named Graphs (ng) whereby triples (or sets thereof) can be identified in a fourth field using, e.g., an IRI, onto which meta-information is added
e em cinco Graph Databases: 4store, BlazeGraph, GraphDB, Jena TDB, Virtuoso.
Hernández, D., A. Hogan and M. Krötzsch. “Reifying RDF: What Works Well With Wikidata?” SSWS@ISWC (2015).
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