Artigo: The Microsoft Academic Knowledge Graph (MAKG): A Linked Data Source with 8 Billion Triples of Scholarly Data @ ISWC'19
MAKG is MAG provisioning as RDF knowledge graph, both in the form of RDF files ( N-Triples format ) and as a data source on the Web, through a SPARQL EndPoint , with HTTP-resolvable URIs. It was enriched by reusing common vocabularies, resources are linked to other data sources on the Web, such as DBpedia, Wikidata, OpenCitations, and the Global Research Identifier Database (GRID). It was classified as 5-star according to Tim Berners-Lee’s deployment scheme for Open Data Data set is licensed under the Open Data Commons Attribution License ( ODC-By ). All relevant data to be modeled in RDF takes about 350 GB of disk space ( input ). MAG dump of November 2018 8,272,187,245 RDF triples 1.2 TB of disk space for the uncompressed RDF files ( output ) Virtuoso : Indexing the data requires about 514 GB of disk space and takes about 10 hours ; 256 GB of RAM. On the schema level, the MAKG contains 47 properties ...