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ER2020 - Others interesting articles about Data Modeling Databases


Diagram depicting the key differences between SQL Database and NoSQL Databases.

A Workload-driven Document Database Schema Recommender (DBSR)

  • https://youtu.be/APVlxebtmLI

Aggregate oriented modeling

Input: ER Model, Read Workload (JOIN), Configurations 

First step: create a Normalize document structure and analyze the JOIN steps

Refinements of query plans removing JOINS and embeddings documents, merging document structures based on entities relationships, in order to reduce Read Operations costs

Outuput: Doument collections, query plans (with indexes) and utility matrix of recommendations

An Empirical Study on the Design and Evolution of NoSQL Database Schemas

  • https://youtu.be/Mz7P6pp5TvY

 Lack of empirical study in NoSQL

10 selected projects from GitHub: denormalized is commom but it isn't a rule, NoSQL takes longer to stabilize compared to SQL (in general), change the type of the attribute is more frequent than other schemas changes

Neo4j Keys

  • https://youtu.be/qQQ9DuBPIrU

Neo4J key = label + property attributes
Complete: all node have
Uniqueness: there is no two or more nodes with the value
Neo4J don't support multi-label key

Discovering Data Models from Event Logs

  •  https://youtu.be/J2nxUxE-r_I
Process Model and Data Model
Step 1 => Input: Event Log     Output:A2A Diagram = Activities x Attributes relationship
Four rule to separate A2A


  1. Esse que usou o GitHub é bem interessante pq partiu de projetos de aplicações e conseguiu identificar um padrão de comportamento para NoSQL


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DGL-KE : Deep Graph Library (DGL)

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