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Bem Vindo, Bem Vinda, Welcome

Bem Vindo, Bem Vinda, Welcome O objetivo desse blog é registrar o andamento da minha pesquisa acadêmica. Sobre mim Me chamo Veronica dos Santos . Possuo graduação em Bacharelado em Informática e Tecnologia da Informatica pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (1998), MBA em Engenharia de Software pela UFRJ e Mestrado em Informática pela UNIRIO. Além disso, sou Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® #2207396 pelo PMI. Possuo vínculo empregatício como Tecnologista Inf Geografica Estatistica da Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e atualmente me encontro licenciada para o doutorado. Iniciei meu Doutorado, na PUC Rio , no Departamento de Informática, em março de 2019 e devo concluir em março de 2023. Pertenço ao grupo de pesquisa BioBD - Laboratório de Bioinformática e Bancos de Dados e sou orientada pelo professor  Sérgio Lifschitz , Caso deseje, vc pode acessar o meu CV Lattes no endereço  http://lattes.cnpq.br/05444...
Postagens recentes

[TGDK] Article Requires Revisions - comentários Professor Altigran

Resumo do professor Altigran sobre os comentários dos revisores Nosso principal problema é o revisor 4, vejam abaixo: Aspecto Revisor 1 Revisor 2 Revisor 3 Revisor 4 Novelty Novel solution Novel solution Novel problem & solution No novelty Relevance Highly relevant Highly relevant Mostly relevant Mostly irrelevant Impact Notable impact on narrow audience or small impact on broad audience Small impact on narrow audience Notable impact on narrow audience or small impact on broad audience Little or no impact expected Technical Correctness No technical flaws Frequent major technical flaws Frequent minor or infrequent major technical flaws Frequent major technical flaws Clarity Generally well-written; clear in large part Difficult to understand; unclear in large part Understandable, but various parts could be clearer Difficult to understand; unclear in large part Comentários Nenhum Nenhum Nenhum Nenhum Expertise Parcialmente familiar: leu sobre tópicos relacionados Conhecedor: leu e tra...

Large Language Models, Knowledge Graphs and Search Engines: A Crossroads for Answering Users’ Questions - BACKGROUND

Hogan, A., Dong, X.L., Vrandevci'c, D., & Weikum, G. (2025). Large Language Models, Knowledge Graphs and Search Engines: A Crossroads for Answering Users' Questions. A BACKGROUND A.1 Large Language Models LLMs capture contextual probabilities of tokens in the parameters of a large neural network, often following the Transformer architecture [44]. The model parameters are computed by two stages of training: unsupervised pre-training and supervised fine-tuning . LLMs can also benefit from inference-time (i.e., post-training) techniques, most notably, prompt engineering [26] and in-context learning [9]. The usual training objective is to predict the next token in a text sequence, repeatedly in an auto-regressive manner. As the original text is available, the ground-truth is known and this entire training process is completely unsupervised (or self-supervised, as it is sometimes phrased). Fine-tuning adopts a pre-trained LLM as a foundational model and adapts it for a sui...

Large Language Models, Knowledge Graphs and Search Engines: A Crossroads for Answering Users’ Questions - Leitura de Artigo 2

Hogan, A., Dong, X.L., Vrandevci'c, D., & Weikum, G. (2025). Large Language Models, Knowledge Graphs and Search Engines: A Crossroads for Answering Users' Questions. 3 THE PERSPECTIVE OF INFORMATION-SEEKING USERS Todas as categorias podem estar presentes em processos de tomada de decisão Facts: Users seek objective, verifiable information that may be satisfied by a simple answer: a name, number, list, table, etc. Algumas variam com o tempo, outras exploram várias arestas (caminhos). Explanations: Users seek an explanation as to what something is, what caused it, what properties it has, how it works, etc., based principally on objective criteria. Exploratory queries involve gaining initial understanding into an unfamiliar topic, or further understanding into a familiar one. In this case, the user may not know precisely what they are looking for, but will rather hope to recognize it when they see it. Perguntas incompletas. Planning: Users seek information to help them tak...