Peter F. Patel-Schneider: Contextualization via Qualifiers. CKGSemStats@ISWC 2018 Sarven Capadisli, Franck Cotton, José M. Giménez-García, Armin Haller, Evangelos Kalampokis, Vinh Nguyen, Amit P. Sheth, Raphaël Troncy: Joint Proceedings of the International Workshops on Contextualized Knowledge Graphs , and Semantic Statistics co-located with 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2018). CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2317, 2018 Abstract. A common method for contextualizing facts in knowledge graph formalisms is by adding property-value pairs, qualifiers, to the facts in the knowledge graph. [Afirmações contextualizadas e não fatos] Qualifiers work well for information that is additional to the base fact but pose an unwarranted burden on consumers of the information in knowledge graphs when the qualifier instead contextualizes the base fact, as in limiting the applicability of the fact to some time period or providing a confidence level for the fact. [...